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Category Archives: Recent issues

Discipline Filosofiche XXIX, 1, 2019: Salomon Maimon: alle origini dell’idealismo tedesco, edited by Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli and Lidia Gasperoni

XXIX, 1, 2019: Salomon Maimon: alle origini dell’idealismo tedesco. Edited by Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli and Lidia Gasperoni Buy the electronic version “Salomon Maimon, a man with a bizarre life, made of ups and downs, from the heights to the depths. He was a rabbi, with a certain taste for escapes, he died in great misery”. In 1956 Gilles Deleuze introduced, with ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXVIII, 2, 2018: Philosophical Perspectives on Affective Experience and Psychopathology, edited by Anna Bortolan and Alessandro Salice

XXVIII, 2, 2018: Philosophical Perspectives on Affective Experience and Psychopathology. Edited by Anna Bortolan and Alessandro Salice Buy the electronic version Philosophical and interdisciplinary research on emotions has drawn attention to the central role played by affective experience in various domains of our life: from interpersonal and social experience, to artistic and creative endeavours, intellectual and scientific activities, and morality. ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXVIII, 1, 2018: Ancient Ontologies. Contemporary Debates, edited by Riccardo Chiaradonna, Filippo Forcignanò and Franco Trabattoni

XXVIII, 1, 2018: Ancient Ontologies. Contemporary Debates. Edited by Riccardo Chiaradonna, Filippo Forcignanò and Franco Trabattoni Buy the electronic version No one would doubt that ontology, understood as a peculiar philosophical research area, was born in Greece and that many contemporary debates reflect some of the positions taken by the ancient authors about the most relevant ontological questions. For instance, ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXVII, 2, 2017: La scienza del pensiero. Il realismo filosofico di Oswald Külpe, a cura di Chiara Russo Krauss

La scienza del pensiero. Il realismo filosofico di Oswald Külpe. Edited by Chiara Russo Krauss Buy the electronic version Oswald Külpe is a key figure of the German cultural environment in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century, since he lies at the crossroads between different trends of the time, such as psychophysiology, critical realism, experimental research of complex mental functions, ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXVII, 1, 2017: Karl Jaspers e la molteplicità delle visioni del mondo, a cura di Stefania Achella e Jann E. Schlimme

XXVII, 1, 2017: Karl Jaspers e la molteplicità delle visioni del mondo. A cura di Stefania Achella e Jann E. Schlimme Buy the electronic version How can worldviews linked to different stories and cultures come together and share values? How can people communicate and understand each other when their visions of things are so different? And, in terms of mental ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXVI, 2, 2016: Theodor W. Adorno: Truth and Dialectical Esperience / Verità ed esperienza dialettica, a cura di Giovanni Matteucci e Stefano Marino

Discipline Filosofiche XXVI, 2, 2016: Theodor W. Adorno: Truth and Dialectical Experience / Verità ed esperienza dialettica, edited by Giovanni Matteucci and Stefano Marino e-book PDF → Contents Giovanni Matteucci, Stefano Marino, Presentazione Stefano Marino, Giovanni Matteucci, The Dark Side of the Truth. Nature and Natural Beauty in Adorno Josef Früchtl, Tell Me Lies, and Show Me Invisible Images! Adorno’s ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXVI, 1, 2016: Ontologie fenomenologiche: individualità, essenza, idea, a cura di Simona Bertolini e Faustino Fabbianelli

Buy the electronic version L’espressione “ontologia fenomenologica”, più che alludere a un campo di ricerca circoscritto, designa una costellazione di indagini che ha preso forma nella tradizione di pensiero inaugurata da Husserl. La direzione trascendentale seguita dalla filosofia husserliana ha certo contribuito a metterla in ombra, veicolando un’immagine della fenomenologia come istanza filosofica il cui asse si trova spostato verso ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXV, 2, 2015: A partire da Husserl. Figure, funzioni e critica della soggettività, Edited by Emanuele Mariani

Discipline Filosofiche XXV, 2, 2015: Starting from Husserl. Figures, Functions and Critique of Subjectivity Edited by Emanuele Mariani In order to grasp at once the significance of the subjectivity issue in the current philosophical debate a Cartesian plane could be drawn up starting from Husserl’s phenomenology, unfolding through conceptually heterogeneous fields, through grammars of thought opposed to each other, if ... Read More »

Discipline Filosofiche XXV, 1, 2015: Philosophical Analysis and Experimental Philosophy, Edited by Mario Alai, Andrea Sereni and Giorgio Volpe

Over the last decades, a renewed interest for metaphilosophical issues has prompted many philosophers in the analytic tradition to raise questions on the epistemic status and the methodology of philosophical inquiry. Reflection has focused especially on the nature and reliability of intuitions, on the notion of a priori and on the plausibility of the idea that philosophical knowledge can be ... Read More »


If the relationships between Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy and the so-called “humanities” (a term that is clearly inadequate with respect to the historical situation in which Merleau-Ponty worked) is well known and widely studied, the same cannot be said with respect to the debate developed by Merleau-Ponty in connection to the natural sciences. This relative ignorance is largely due to the fact ... Read More »
