Thursday , 6 March 2025
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Code of Ethics

1) Publication Decisions and Duties of the Editor, Associate Editors, Guest Editors and Editorial Board

  • The decision to publish an article submitted to the journal is the sole responsibility of the Journal’s Editor. In making his decisions, the Editor is required to follow the strategies and editorial choices of the Journal. He is subject to the laws regulating libel, copyright and plagiarism.
  • Any manuscript undergoes a double-blind peer review process in which it is sent to at least two external referees.
  • The Journal’s Editor and Guest Editors are required to evaluate submitted manuscripts uniquely on their scientific merit, regardless of the race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, citizenship, scientific, academic and political orientation of their authors.
  • The Journal’s Editor, Associate Editors, Guest Editors and Editorial Board may not divulge any information concerning submitted manuscripts to any subject other than the authors, referees and potential referees.
  • Any unpublished material contained in a manuscript submitted to the Journal may not be used by the Journal’s Editor, Associate Editors, Guest Editors and members of the Editorial  Board for their research without the author’s express written permission.
  • Should the Journal’s Editor become aware of any mistakes, inaccuracies, conflicts of interest or plagiarism to be found in a published article, he will promptly inform the author and the Publisher, will take any action necessary to clarify the issue and, if necessary, will withdraw the article or issue a retraction.

2) Duties of peer reviewers

  • Peer reviewers assist the Journal’s Editor and Guest Editors in making publication decisions and may suggest the authors corrections and improvements to their manuscripts.
  • If a reviewer does not feel competent to review a manuscript or expects to be unable to meet the assigned deadline, he (or she) must decline the invitation to take part in the reviewing process and promptly inform the Journal’s Editor or Guest Editors of his (or her) decision.
  • Manuscripts submitted for publication should be treated confidentially. They should not be shown to or discussed with any person without previous authorization of the Journal’s Editor.
  • The reviewing process should be conducted in an impartial way. Reviewers should not resort to ad hominem arguments or insult authors. Reviewers should express their opinions clearly and support them with arguments. Any statement, remark or argument contained in the report should be accompanied by a precise reference to the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should inform the Editor of any substantial similarity of submitted manuscripts to published materials that they happen to detect. Any information or idea obtained through the reviewing process should be kept confidential and not used to the reviewer’s personal advantage.
  • Reviewers should not accept to review manuscripts whose evaluation would involve a conflict of interests arising from competition, collaboration or any other relation with authors, companies or other bodies related to the manuscripts’ topics.

3) Duties of the Authors

  • Authors must assure that manuscripts are original and that, whenever the ideas or passages from the works of other authors are used, these are appropriately paraphrased or quoted. In any case, the source must be duly mentioned.
  • Authors must cite all the publications that contributed to determine the nature of their manuscripts. Articles based on original research should contain a detailed report of the work done by their authors, as well as an impartial discussion of its significance. All relevant data must be accurately represented in the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must not have been published as copyrighted material in other journals. While under consideration by the Journal, manuscripts must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, the authors accept that, if their work is accepted for publication, all rights to reproduce it by in any form and by any means, through the media and technologies in existence or to be developed, will be assigned to the Journal.
  • Authorship credit is given uniquely to those that contributed in substantive ways to the ideation, planning, execution or interpretation of the research. All those who contributed in substantive ways must be named as co-authors. The corresponding author must guarantee that all co-authors are mentioned in the manuscript, that they have seen and approved its final version and that they have consented to its submission.
  • Authors should mention in the manuscript any financial or other conflict of interest which may have affected the results presented or their interpretation. All funds received in support of the research that found its way in the manuscript should be mentioned.
  • Should an author detect any significant mistakes or inaccuracies in the published manuscript, he (or she) must promptly inform the Editor and collaborate with him to retract or rectify the manuscript.

Conflict of Interests

  • A conflict of interest may arise when an author, an institution with which an author is affiliated or a reviewer have personal or economic relations which may unduly influence their behaviour in terms of judgments, pressure or assessments. A conflict of interest may exist even if the person or institution involved does not acknowledge the influence of such relations. The Editor is responsible for managing potential conflicts of interest as well as possible, especially by adopting a double-blind reviewing process. Authors may be required to make a statement on the matter.

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