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Sunday , 23 February 2025
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DF XXII, 1, 2012: Time and historic Temporality. Ed. by Barnaba Maj

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The Novel The Falling Man by Don De Lillo, which is strictly interwoven with the historical event of the 11th September 2001, plays a crucial role in the issue’s opening essay by François Hartog on temporalization of time. The strength of the 1958 essay by Ladislaus Boros on temporality dimensions in Augustine, appreciated especially by Paul  Ricœur in Temps  et  récit, lies in binding them to fundamental existential categories, like disintegration, anguish, “banning” and “night”. Even though from different perspectives, François Dosse and Silvana Borutti reflect upon the epistemological nature of the event and its new “renaissance”, after the death sentence once decreed to it by the Annales School. Borutti develops also important epistemological reflections about both the historical writing and treatment. Beginning from the 1967 famous essay Le Discours de l’histoire by Roland Barthes, the “speech” is the guiding thread of Silvano Facioni, whereas inspired by a Giambattista Basile short story and a correlated historical chronicle Dario Giugliano deals with the foundation itself of the historical writing. In a widest perspective of theoretical reflection and in an operation of subtle historiographical survey from Aristotle to Leibniz, the essays by Aldo Masullo and Bianca Maria d’Ippolito respectively are the “metaphysical section” of the issue. Through the analysis of the Michel de Certeau’s masterpiece, La Fable mystique I, Rossana Lista deals with the crucial question: what is the meaning of “beginning”? Finally, also the issue editor holds Certeau in consideration, in the attempt of understanding whether, through the notion of Meistererzählung, namely archetypal telling, historical time and mythical time are, after all, the same thing or not.


(click on the titles to view the abstracts)

Barnaba Maj, Presentazione
François Hartog, La temporalizzazione del tempo: un lungo cammino
Ladislaus Boros, Le categorie della temporalità in Sant’Agostino
François Dosse, Il ritorno dell’evento come dato complesso alla prova della pluridisciplinarità
Silvana Borutti, Tempo e evento. Modelli epistemologici della storia
Silvano Facioni, Roland Barthes e il “discorso della storia”
Aldo Masullo, Agonia della storicità. Il medio infranto e l’estasi della contingenza
Bianca Maria d’Ippolito, Tempo e temporalità storica. Le lacune dell’anima e la storia
Dario Giugliano, Istoriare il corpo. Sull’incisione storiografica
Rossana Lista, Cominciamento e instaurazione. Il paradigma mistico della temporalità nella
Fable mystique
Barnaba Maj, Il cerchio e la freccia. Tempo storico e tempo mitico

Issue on Quodlibet edizioni website

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